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Robinson Diary Page52

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Saturday 26th Great reusation. Two ladies drowning Miss marko and Miss Steward. The ladder saved herself. I and Geo rescued the latter. All the ladies are, tie, will kiss me. Sunday 27th Uncle Doum also miss Fuedlibery. She gave me her picture. It is middling. She left in the evening. While pretending to be asleep and received a pleasing gift from miss Belle. Aunt Mary back. Received congratulations for my feat. Monday 28th Played baseball in the field with George and Will. Played croquet with miss G. Marko, Miss Battersen, the Misses Sullivan and George. Miss Battersen threatened to kiss me for my share in Saturday's adventure but did not carry out her intention. She made up however in kindness to me. She was quite attentive to me all day. She ornamented me, hat and button holes with flowers and gave me side glances and Kind flattering words. She in fact- flirted with me in a most open ____ and funny manner. Bathing quite dangerous in the afternoon, Geo and I in Miss Marko and Miss Steward both congratulated me. They still show signs of fatigue. Uncle away, early. None of the ladies has kissed me as yet. On Saturday I recieved a letter of thanks from Miss Mans. She is a lady of about 26. quiet in manner, dresses plainly and has rather pleasing looks. Tuesday 29th Spent most of the evening with Miss Battersen and others on banc. Quite a ___ with Miss Batterson. Wednsday 30th Played Croquet. In the evening walked with Mary, George, and the Sullivans to the hotel and back. great-scandal next door. Big Luek by everyday also great mist-making ever, this dawn. Thursday 31st Passed a stupid day, in the summer with house with Miss B. and P. Sullivan. In the Evening Mis B, the Misses Sullivan, Rekfellow, dan. Kelly, and Solomon save ______ danced to in our parlor. I was on the porch. Friday 1st The O'Gorman family leave tomorrow. Played ball. Dan Kelly and Solemon here in the evening. I had a pleasent walk and talk with Miss Battersen. Beautiful morn light. Retired about 12. Played Croquet. Saturday 2nd Played the ninonas of flatbrush. Unions 11 Winema's 13. Ten innings. Bad Play by myself and others. Mel-Ja, Melvelly. has grown much. Miss Fedlebery down till monday. Dam Kelly, Solemion and Misses Sull have The O'Gomanis off. I miss the bryo breath. Geo did not like learning. Sunday 3rd Mr.Florence, sothern and Linda diel were here. Mary and the Misses Sullivan and Fuedlebers to mrs. Williams. Miss Batteroon was speaking a short time to me. Walked around, talked to Emma T. and Lobed. Monday 4th Miss Stewart and Miss Batterson also Emma T. Away. I went up to the dummy to see miss B. off. She invited me to call upon her. In the morning played croquet, and labored to Belle. Bath looks deserted. Tuesday 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Todd's last day. Played croquet with Miss Belle. Copied some letters or rather a long letter. Mary and I spent the evening in badger's. First time in a long while for me. I spent a not over pleasent evening Wednesday 6th Whole most of the day. Copying letters into a book. Played ball. Miss Monko left. Her farewell to me" Goodby. Miss you sue, be happy. God bless you." Solomon here. Thursday 7th Geo. Joey and Mar, being married. Many Rob one of witnesses. She says that Miss B. Looked pretty. The ceremony was short. The couple stay at the windsor hotel. No sun shine today. Clingy and threatening rain . I wrote most of the day in my journal or notebook. Walked and talked in the evening