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Robinson Diary Page83

Revision as of May 9, 2022, 1:29:50 PM, created by Bartelpr

Sunday June 10th Up and breakfast in and out. To court in time. Nothing giving on much account. To Herald office. Sent letter to Aunt Sue and JUL, wrote them on Monday. Sent letters to Pauline and Bay. Rain yesterday and rain today. Rain, rain, nothing but rain. To Harris. First time to the house on a Sunday afternoon since I went there. Saw the doctor and some of the ladies. Saw the best looking me for the first time in life. Came in to take some clothes to Bath. Had to pan in review. Caught 3 o'clock subway. Safe and sound. In the evening Miss Batterson called in Mary. I escorted them both to Mrs. Williams which was closed. Left Miss B. at Miss Sweet's old place. Then home, talked and to bed. But not much changed, still engaged. Lively and flippant, and flattering. She pretended to be glad to see me. The kitchen changed to summer décor. Home cleaned. My room altered. Carpet taken up and rim bed put it. Do not care for iron bed. Will be changed again! Monday 11th Mama and Papa left to city. We all were up late and had late breakfast. To Brooklyn in 1.31 subway. To court. We had one good case: shooting of a woman by her lover. To 5th Avenue theatre with Stanley. Wood of the World. Evangeline the play. We enjoyed it. To Herald office. I stayed up till 3. Drank 10 beers today. My greatest number. Tuesday 12th Up late about 10 3/4. A lady called to see me while I was dreaming. Slurred and flurried. Found it to be Aunt Mary. She was looking well. With her to the Newark cars. Then to court. Four or five items. On night duty. Sent to Manhattan club to see a her chamberlain during the reception to GIlden and Hendricks for the Herald. Heard previously that the Sullivans were in East 16th St. Passed through. Belle was sittup in door. Called to me. Said her, her mother, and Pauline. Quite a nice house and apartments. Stayed some time. To office. Then to Brunswick Hotel. Back and its police station then stayed up till after 4 in New York. Then to Brooklyn and in bed by 5. Wrote to Margie today or yesterday. Wednesday 13th Awake by 8 asleep and up by 12. Breakfast in restaurant. Wrote to Mary Harrison and sent off some papers to Aunt Sue. Recieved post card from Belle. To court. Same four or five little things. Short in pocket. Trying tomorrow. No good. To Bath by way of Fort Hamilton. Had only 8 cents to get from Herald's office to Bath. Rode to city fine. Walked rest of way. Dirt covered and damp and feeling poorly upon arrival. Found Mary practicing. She has got a piano which she is not pleased with. Talking. I had something to eat: my second meal: nothing unusual for me to do without food. To bed. Thursday 14th Cool weather continues. A pleasant day however. Mary to Newark. Not feeling well lately. Papa and I to city together. We did not have much to say to one another. I took with me the $10 I had been saving. To court. Then hastened to Herald office. Found two notes, one from William, the other from Kelly. Summarizing a young Beth Hope at 2 this morning. To Papa's office. On the way over I was partly caught in heavy thunder shower. Waiting outside for Papa to go. Expected M.H. She did not come. Waited from 6 to 7 1/2. Rushed to New York. Willie and Jan arrived at Herald's office together. We had a supper then to Newark. What of Morris and Essex: first time in ever so long. Met JUL in the railroad room. He had a strange Seton Hall boy with him. They had Willie also to play Rose Hills and were defeated. Had limp and unsatisfactory talk. Found the folks about to retire. A lukewarm reception. To bed. I slept on sofa. First smoking since Monday. Friday 15th Up almost 7 1/2 . Aunt Sue brought me some more shirts. First since left college. Spent morning with Will and George. Came in with Harvey. My bill $13.70. I was smart enough to add the $10.70 to the 3 and call it 1300. Doyle weighed it for me. Wrote to Belle and Mrs. Moorhead about this time.