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Robinson Diary Page96

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September 1877

Saturday 8th Mazie came down to spend some days here. Brasher here all night. I plumped around till late though much earlier than usual. Ellen Willie + self to Wallack's. We had dinner +[blank] at Clark's opposite. Willie + Ellen to Bath. Self on night duty after visiting Court and getting little. Very tired. Walking through sheets half asleep. [blank] Sauterne [Sauternes] + oysters, Hill treating.

Sunday 9th Pretty hard to remember what transpired today. Brasher stayed all night. Emma [blank] came + went: Mazie + I dinned in parlor Brasher + Mary on stoop. Papa with eyes + ears open poking about + thinking God knows. Court covered by Brewer. To Bath about 12. Mr. + Mrs. Helfenstein + a Mr. Booker made visit of [blank] hours. Papa very entertaining.

Monday 10th Late to bed late to rise. That's the way little Johnnies time flies. Have nothing much to blackguard today for. So not know if I invited Court or not. Pretty sure didn't. Played billiards instead. Seven or eight games. Discounted by another when I discounted + double discounted. Mazie being around seems like old times. Interference by other people where Mazie cares to please when I don't make matters disagreeable + not at all satisfactory. Still we manage to have a few minutes to talk by ourselves.

Tuesday 11th Left bath at late hour as I now doing 2 1/2 or 3. Found there was nothing in 57th St. except Brewer slightly under influence in Schwart's. I put him on horse car then to Bath. Spent the evening with Mazie. Miss Polinson curious + critical about other people's affairs. Gave Mazie back $5 of the $20 she lent me. Pleasant weather is once more upon us. Extensive looking.

Wednesday 12th Court covered by Brewer. Played ball + were beaten by Tottenville S.I. club. All day [blank] to giving playing + return. Left Unionville by 10 arrived back about [blank] time. I drank seven or 8 beers in Tottenville after game and because funny + talkative in consequence. Acted like damn fool + knew it at the time. Then subsided. Took shrimp pull of whiskey. Afterwards luckily vomited. Broke out again on shore. Tore up old hat. Perfectly knew everything. Home + at once to bed.

Thursday 13th Pretty well and thoroughly disgusted with myself. Feeling unwell. Warm day. Obliged to travel city. Handed in bill. This week it's $14.70. Will be right along. Looking unclear therefore halfway with shows. We did not exchange glances. Today, [blank] + sat: cover Court for Brewer. Yet he talks about his eating crow. Clerk disoblijing [disobliging] as I gave him a sharp notice in paper. Informed tonight copy had to be brought in by self. Rather a severe knockdown.

Friday 14th I leave Bath at very late hours. Lucky the Justice (Murray) gets to Court so late. Did not draw salary today. Think I smoked not: Pretty sure I didn't. Not much if anything at Court. If I remember nightly + I think I do, by way Ft. Hamiltin [Hamilton] going + coming. In dummy which now in use on line both ways for first time. They are an improvement. Mary Rob very disagreeable. Mazie + I chatting.

Saturday 15th Left late. Willie with me. Drew my $14.70. Good while since bill any higher or even so high. To Court: Had Willie's hair cut. Go Aunt Mary's in 122nd St. Then [blank] Sam Daisy + Frank pleased to see us. I stopped for supper. On night duty at [blank] office. Left Will with aunt. Met Burke in 4th Prec. [Precinct] Station House. He's looking poorly. [blank] waiting for Sun hot queer case. Oysters soda water. Smoking again. Bed at 3 1/2.

Sunday 16th Left bed before 10. Simple breakfast. Arrived at Court 11. Two pretty good items. Wasted short time on Brewer's account. To 122nd St. Met by Willie + Daisy [blank]- [blank] street. Passed it late + dinner [blank]. Eat and delayed going. Saw auntie [blank][blank]. On 415 [4:15] boat from Harlem. My first sail down Harlem + East River. Much to see. To Herald. With Willie to Bath after supper in New York. Bayard and cottage. Mazie, Mary [blank] + self passed stupid evening. Moon-light [blank]. Bid Mazie goodnight. Feeling played into. [blank] of Badkin invaders visited Mary.