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Robinson Diary Page105

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Cash Account... March. Paid $:_ Cts. Owing: $_ Cts.

It was a stormy night. The winds set free sported through country and played in city. The rain descended in thick and unremitting streams. Now it danced upon the house r̶o̶f̶f̶s̶ [roofs] now it filled the dreamy and muddy streets.

November 1877

Saturday 24th Up late. Miss Robinson also here. To see Janauschek (matinee) in Mary Stuart at Broadway Theatre. A great performance so far as Janauschek was concerned. To Court saw Hennessy. Nothing much to Liberty St. ferry to meet W. O'Poman also was not to be seen. To Herald. telegraphed for Frank +[&] Willie to meet me at Eagle Theatre. Mother I went. Saw Piff Paff by Thompson Troupe. Very enjoyable indeed. Frank met me afterwards. Willie found in bed at Aunt Mary.

Sunday 25th Disagreeable weather continues. The boys made me uncomfortable while I was half asleep. Breakfastid [breakfasted] +[&] to Court. Then saw Brewer +[&] Hennessy. Two or three items. Dinner at International (overtin's). To Bath on 3.10 [3:10] dummy. Brasher at home. He [blank] seen him in weeks before. We met unenthusiastically. Papa unwell. Over bank destroyed by heavy seas. Brasher here all night. Looked over papers. To bed after 12. Low spirited.

Monday 26th Rainy weather. Poor Birdie shot. Supposed to be [blank]. Jro. Bennett +[&] another chap the executioners. I got up after 1: Breakfast +[&] dinner at 1 1/2 [1:30]. At that time was to have been at O'Rourke's Associated Press. Passed a very pleasant night. Will been smoking night straight along since before election. Now I try to keep from the weed for a while. My trying did not amount to much kept night along. 5th Ave. Theatre. Mary Anderson in Evadne. Great girl.

Tuesday 27th Stopped at Aunt Mary's today. Slept here last night. Intend to stay for some time +[&] pay Auntie accordingly as I earn. Shall go to Bath but seldom. Once a week. My washing gone down there at present. Performance of Evadne last night was grand as far as Anderson concerned. Miss Anderson Eats oysters every night after play. So do I now I've found the news out.

Wednesday 28th Have no overcoat so far +[&] wear hair long. Brasher +[&] I not very good friends. Yesterday or today Sam Auting +[&] Cleopratria with Rose Eytinge as latter at Broadway Theatre dreary play. Rose Eytinge good +[&] looks the part. Rest middling and many poor. To see Joe Jefferson in Rip Van Winkle about this time at Booth's. Enjoyed it less than when saw it first.

Thursday 29th Thanksgiving. Spent it in New York. Lonely sort of affair to me. Cried by myself in a restaurant. [blank] +[&] cranberry sauce. In the evening to see Miss Anderson in Guy mannering. Another wonderful performance. Support and music unetched. Quite a good house. Play by itself not much. At the 5th Ave Theatre. Bill this week I believe $10.70.

Friday 30th Recd. [Received] money. Went to same theatre Tuesday I believe. Probably the Eagle where Lydia [blank] sin is. Enjoy myself more there than at away their place. Recd. [Received] letter from Mazie about week ago asking me to give Mrs. O'Brien $5. One or two small cases at Court.

December Saturday 1st With George to see Piff Paff at Eagle [blank]. Not wear so good a house as the piece deserved. George enjoyed the play. I did immensely through I had seen it once or twice before. Letter from Susan about this time. To Court in morning. Brewer covered it in afternoon. Spent the evening in the office writing and helping others to write much thanks I'll get.

Sunday 2nd Ah ha. Great good luck. To go to Jefferson +[&] Essex Market Police Court's at $20 a week in place of Rorke to begin tomorrow. Determined to work harder at new occupation than at old. Did not go to Bath. Owe letters to Mazie, Aunt Jin Miss Moorhead +[&] others. To [^] 57th St. Court in morning. O̶n̶e̶ Late I believe though nothing up.

Monday 3rd First day at new work. Met Wood t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ at Jefferson Market in morning. In afternoon to Essex Market. Find it difficult to cover both. Met haven of the World. He showed me how he did. May get into working under soon. In the evening to see Miss Mary Anderson in Ingomar. Enjoyed her acting much. Disgusted with the rest. Very unetched in theatre and poor support. Theatre well filled "5th Avenue."