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Robinson Diary Page119

Revision as of Dec 2, 2022, 4:43:33 AM, created by Swedcoll

All upset all day. Play up with Angus Inn numb up. Think I met with uncle's displeasure which I greatly regret. To New York with George. To office. Heard something about Bay and I never could believe. Row up suicide of man and Ashlyn house. Received $6. Borrowed $1 from George. Paid Hamilton $1 and a half. Rogue paid me fifty cents. Decided what to do in even out. So never end solum schiphol Plus new victims.

Saturday 16th
was to have left Harlem very early. Did it. Offer very wash. Mary Rob at Aunt Mary's. To Washington Market. Bought whiskey. Met George at Fulton Ferry. 2 bike Park theater. saw Evangeline. George didn't it like it much. A great crowd present. Eat affirmation plus were shaved. To bath.  played billiard at funnell’s.  played poker at house.
Saturday 17th
well of course it rains and neither Bell or Pauline came. Brasher did. George and I amused ourselves as best we could during the day.  we broke Brasher's umbrella among other things. And the evening we played cards until 12. Wrote a letter to miss Moon Head. My Tucker went well. Papa to New York + back.  wasn't able to attend to anything today. To bed late.
Monday 18th
on Saturday read letters from Margaret + Miss Moon Head.  lazy as usual. George + Bay and up before me. Then myself at cast numbered with a mush. 2 dummy-half dussed. To Papa's office. Paid George $280. ship some papers plus was surm.  then to Beth. At funnell’s played Billiards and lost about a dollar.  to our house. Neither Papa nor Mary home.  Wrote looked over papers.  pasted letter to Mary moonhead today.  expected a tidal wave.  it didn't come.  the night was lovely. Bummed in bed about. 5 gave and or I nighted later. 
Tuesday 19th
to the office as I believe plus received an appointment. Forget what it was. No I remember; a meeting of Yachts men at Hoffman House. Planned the work of an easy kid.  intended to go somewhere tonight but was this previewed. Yesterday I brought to town $30 that I had saved. Believed to sell clothes choose to with it.  we shall see if I do so. I dare say the money will come from me and I shall not have anything at all to here for it.  

Wednesday 20th

self Harlem about. To Office where Loft sometime.  before it rains belief which honeyed me to Newark as George had written to me asking me to come. Towards Newark folks seated around table, supper over. Around 5 prepared a nice little supper. Uncle and  Papa not very well. And with the boys. We played Billiards.  Papa wonder I didn't  one a simple game.  we chatted. Back to house plus some after to bed.  

Thursday 21st Uncle had nothing to say to me. Auntie kind. Talking with Will plus George. Left Newark about 11. Made out to build $260. How's that? Sought out to find about father m nomina and his persecutions. Worked hard but did not get a live printed. And evening to here Grant Italian opera at Booth’s. the Oprah frog: the other main page. Was not amused. liked only our or live things Marie Rose a bright looking woman . Trifle Stout.

Friday 22nd
left Auntie's late. Arrived at office  about 3. Sought out to hunt up unfamiliar nn Rovers, about John J Daveupot’s clukship. Then sought to Ferry town and took failure. did the work pounds. Nothing however said. Got out of bed little serup Nice leave. Left office after S. Reihmond about. Rope copy up in cars. Hard work. To Harlem very late.  

Saturday 23rd

dressed after 10. Left Auntie's an hour or two later. Stop to fines and about a ship wrecked Cruise. Road from Battery to the bridge on which crew:  Then back on the water(  in now boat) since last summer.  hot but little.  an evening  Alice oates + co in Barbe at Brooklyn Park Theatre. Smoking. To office. Then to Harlem.