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Robinson Diary Page53

Revision as of May 6, 2022, 9:27:56 PM, edited by Coxjosep

Friday 8th. A rainy day was promised and no rain of any account fell. I believe it was a sprinkle here and a sprinkle there all day. Miss Pauline here. Papa to the city. Came home feeling poorly. He has chills and fever. Saturday 9th Played baseball. Unions against Emekas. 10 innings. 15 to 13 in favor of our club. Dan Kelly and Soliman spent the evening over house. Papa quite ill. The doctor called. Spent an hour or so talking to Belle on french man's stoop. Rain in the evenings. Sunday 10th. Opened nicely ended in rain. People next door playing croquet in the evening a Mr. Erskine called. He stayed all night. Dan. Kelly, Mr. Ikea and games. We all seemingly enjoyed ourselves very much. Monday 11th. Cloudy day. Rained every now and then. Spent most of the day with Mr. Erskine. Miss Pauline here in the morning afternoon and evening. Erskine sane danced with us all. Played cards and left about 4. Mrs. Hagard and Belle called after dinner. The former played for over an hour. She is a splendid player. In the evenings to the post-office. Tuesday 12th. Once more rain for a little while. I wrote to George and Emma. Papa to the city. He is feeling better. Mary to the P.O. She mailed my letter to george. I seem to be always writing and never receiving letters. ____ to whom I sent a long