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Robinson Diary Page89

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July Monday 16th 1877 Yesterday, the boys and myself bathed. Today is a scorcher. Hot! George and Mary to Newark by boat. Will myself and Mr. Obrien in bathing. Will and I to New York by way of driving. We had beer, sandwiches, and ice cream. The sandwich was not eaten exactly on top of the other two. Willie and I parted at Fulton St. and Broadway. To court after did is my own and Brewers Copy. Wore my new coat and vest tried to wear it from this and save when at home at Balt fishing or at other work. Got shaved. Needed it. Stayed at office some time. Bought package of cigarettes. Sent off letter to Maggie much I wrote same days ago. Very warm all day. The warmest day of the season. Jo Harris almost 12. Slept with nothing on and no bed clothes. Tuesday 17th Awake before 5. Tossed around. Rise and dressed myself in one of my new shirts and starched up collars and new necktie. Coming out? Found it was only 6. Out- bought Herald and looking for shoe black but could see none. Invested in glass of soda water. Back to Harris. Talking to Captain Dickinson. Me and Harris at Copperheads. Wrote a short notice to Mrs. Williams yesterday. It appears into days paper. Breakfast first time I have been to breakfast and since I came to Harris. Saw all the Edwards and everybody else. Sat head of the table. Haircut in New York. To court Brewer Time and Word. I had written half of Brewers copy when he came. Nothing at court worth calling about. Jo Hearld office. Loafed around. No good. So traveled to Harris after 11. Another warm day. Great thunder shower at 2 o’clock this afternoon. Everybody noticing the change in my appearance. No wonder I’m such a dirty looking individual as I was could not be easily found in my class. Fitzpatrick use about my copy. Commenced letter to Aunt Iris. Thunderstorm with terrific thunderclaps. Wednesday 18th Up by 5. Awoke one time before that. Downstairs before 6. On the stoop where found Herald which read, their bright sun. Talking to Harris and others. Breakfast my last at Harris. The captain embedded, Mrs. Harris sick, little Mary the girl doing things wrong. Bid good by and away. Took my things away yesterday and today. To office had a talk with an independent boy. Jo Hearld office. Read different papers then to court. Mirror of the sun there. Neither wood nor Brewer showed up. Covered Brewers work. Down to office. Handed in funny stories which were not used. A number of them have been cast away. Shall stop writing them if it continues. Rain. After which to Bath on 8 journey. Saw O’Brien and family also our family. Papa with several fun games. Mary in O’Brien’s room. Children undressed and Mr. Obrien sick. Very quiet evening. To bed. Saw Mr. Redcaps and Mr. Lawson. Thursday 19th Up before 8. Had breakfast before next. Obrein’s boat in trouble. He and others to its rescue. I got dripping wet. Went in afterwards bathing with my second best pants on and my colored shirt. O’Brien dripping on our locker finger hurt and laughable scenes. Boat secured at last. Marcus Kelly, to see us. He is at Van Schneiders and Devin is with the Solomon’s. Drying my clothes, they wouldn’t dry. Had to wear best pants to the city and it rainy all day. Damn the luck. caught I driving on to New York. Brought papers. Made out bill $15.70 to court. Saw Brewers and Wood. Rather been on space. Very little at court. Done by 4 1/2. Very early for me. Umbrella all day poor me. Not of much use. Heard from Aunt Mary yesterday. She wants $250. Heard from Willie Garmon today. Wishes me to visit him soon. Stayed in office short time. To Bath at 7 morning. Ships to evening Marcus here again. To bed. Couldn’t sleep. Eat piece of bread walked to bed and this time off. Friday 20th Saw Joe and Hen Lamaschey yesterday. Nice morning raining afterwards. Drew $15.70. Preston back from vacation. To court, nothing of any account. On account of rain did not go to Bath but to Newark. Rather given receptive. The evening very warm. Saw Sue of first time in year. By Mom’s & Eusef R.R last time in years.