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Robinson Diary Page104

Revision as of May 6, 2022, 11:43:54 PM, created by Baughtru

Nov Monday 12th Sunking night straight along. I ft Butt. Cantor, when that very early had to get tickets for their Thompson. Cred not. Bright tickets menschen Marie saw her in Chimez Wold in the evening at Broadnouche. Quite artistic representation blanches Rest pour with the possible exception in Gilman the unify. dan Mazie h me. She is not a happy girl and is too old for under.

Tuesday 13th Mint & Mended cont in time, any way toward Evening to Herald, Hamaed in. my items. Then to Briers. saw its oBs and Mazie. The last-named and selling u Caple then lied to jay Robinson Crusoe by Lydia Thompson & troupe saw that back. Engaged a pouch unreal and a role. Heada detenable ride Lotarles lure cars. Staying too much at aunt- harps where I am curries warm, released.

Wednesday 14th

Is Hans full at cond today, urolê mich matter for pupe hart of it not used de so for my pains? No not mean that. Winced till r. then to Waliudc. Jook in that change found in the Montagne the hero, so Harleus often and difficulty in getting in.

Thursday 15th Met in between nine at / o'clock. Together we saw performances for the length of Elts. his food is often tiresome. Clara Monis, James Theil Solta Man Anderson in specialties. Bere to secure. Myself to the office then to Bath Pink by during Narz Rob home best thing and.

Friday 16th Drug my extensive 0 10.70. Arrived at Count late. Hennessey is gone but now Browne, hehe and they're treated. Sent Brewer 81. Wrote up part of matter in care part in with me in Evening to in this secret, a senseless play with good acting. Sophia Morrilton Refers & Sara Gwent are good. Walked home with Mazie. Was late into runt ha in.

Saturday 17th

Had Cole breakfast at Aunt Mary's. Left before Mary Rob did. To Wallnatis, ste nazie, do Matinee serformance, the play halse Shane. Neither of us particularly inward second which Jaanili Back with Mazie to Binis. Stayed awhile, then to Herald, in avenue sans man in the day of drops. First-class Pauline. Spent money in minute bord, slept at the arrays. Basie Marmot. 

Sunday 18th Greatest it and Mary's arrived et cont cheaply after nine. Found plenty in to change no long I cases. While Brewer's copy. In Bath long for 4/2. During the day Philip & J., sister called a man and read. Papa home. He is in pretty good spirit. Mary an expected end cone. The pleasant day though trifle chilly and decidedly windy.. ting man. to bed a, as.

Monday 19th septic 12/2. Good lord. Late to Countide time to see Brewer & Annessey failed to raise to see high tech & Reached need, Wrole terms from Criminal sine conto Suntcommunication to remember the chicas. Its letters to the author for aunt Mary Cold's journey honey way tt. Hamilton, house by 10. moved by.

Tuesday 20th up shortly after 8. Compare Chester day, once more quit working for a time trip soaked right and since before Election. Brunei paid me that $1 yesterday. We've piano hue heating up simply in little ingrained Lanit &c. Kalitheith 100'elet. Preise & price s.

Wednesday 21st college & panned my sold watch for that. I receivedst. Heereils to replica novel experiences. The shoes worn are terrible Corrupt this product. to Center, the role came up. To Huald office to to the arrane drohkeas? Site son? visit

Thursday 22nd rather for some way By way of tt. loan in I believe. Bought a pun of shares all needed at the price. Maile and bills, a.s. Isolier today think) Keller prom Mazie. the has arrived safely hence and is contented. That scope in Conned me 4120. rotating at Count detached it Brewnat totaled was corrupt to share theatre har ideas in.

Friday 23rd By bout dormitory. Salary 811.70-cut again. Message + 22 Ruilen 1100. do Court where there was one is to cases. big 8100. To see the Hornet's Nestle Sothern at Park there! bright preference. Setting deals sang & Sco. Tolland the to Donald Wile location for hamilton. Then bundle the article: 2. To Harlem after the event 4. not pleasant rest.