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Robinson Diary Page123

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Wednesday 17th, 1878 troubled about my collies which and ties some pone dene up; Mees kept a washwoman. Bullied and carried and then left Harlem about 3%. arrived at the office. Stared a short time. Then there, fand auntie & Huo brows of group Weinfission. Then they changed their minds. We same lodadas 1 disfust. We talked and eat and went. The little girls are sist recovering from the sales agile look, were badly. Chicle and all looking well. Hand section sleep.

Thursday 18th kine recall. Wann in day time much coolers in the evening. Plazed billiards will Willie. "We came cut pretty Ever. Zo hew Jones. To office. Then to Batteria host-Vanillin. Haunted in no little today reason, because doctrine angering me. Krist time has since been proper that I have been to mefedrumalé. and! need the money greatly. Lat in my room mite I sol rheumatic pains. Then left in a hurry. I am very sensitive to cold now I wondered about the weather charge, with impunity My papers in confused. My clothes need looking after my money well a new pair on now. Book, never read. hap sellers need an ample on wants sneezing. I would deserve overhauling. Idleness.

Friday 19th

Ito office. Priest wees since on paper that had no ill Meaning 

from other weels, non-supporting me paid a fine visit to Neurwit. Brought there a pair of shoes and how I needed them Back ton. 4. Mence to Balti via Ili Hamil line. Reached late named after 10. then linele wolk acron. It was a Misty. dark, threatening a doon. Heavy sea. chaund neu dan berold in the nond. Men forced it through the wind 20 bed soon after.

Saturday 20th I think it was, today, that I was given the first piece of our in some fame. Then we food luck cline to itõelf I was further even the I don't cover to monitor, I am in a hand drait out of pocket very much. alimento out every other way. Som Preslin just saves me. Ne often an ins out to dinner and Couns me little besides sent to up Indies & Fullerton. Found neither in. A great deal of riding. Borovicet Lonnie, at the same time, sleeping still.

Sunday 21st a lot to Bull arrived in time for dinner: an unfrequent pleasure Brusher here. Parked down stupidly enough a clinic day it was. that is I believe part of it was. Papain good humor & willing the most of the day. Working so hard at night. Yesterday was the day before miss Rebecca. She does not answer, he evening ham Prashant self-placed pollen I won & scent.

Monday 22nd Self bath lot in the. Hamilton. Met mannt Dr. Demand in contesti car Left han at Papas office. Got darned to. To con for me. Stayed here until evening. Men will com Preston to hunt afla adr. Wild Walled a food deal & did it find him. Don't search myself a stand and theatre sand. C. Emmett in Fritz denible plan. Emmett food.

Tuesday 23rd som Preslin becoming a theatre goes Left Harlem early I believe, future won. Then let of gimp Newark, Presley. decided to visit union Snare theatre al Presteris invitation to hearts an upper, Walked to the Square saw Celebrated case, the 30time). Walled back to the office. is way confidential?

Wednesday 24th Raining Spell of bad weather. I Left Harlem late. 20lturald where & sot nothing. met Preston. He was off on an uncle wailed info he came back. hied to catch certain neuankl chain. Missed and at Brandt's house. Willie reading. Uncle inti score theaters. Rest asleep. Sun George ollie. To bed, slept.

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